Can you confirm that the "putting on sale" is pulled from promotions, contracts, or specials, and is not a price that must be changed at the item level?
Yes, we can configure our Integrator to use Counterpoint Price Rules. You can use any form of Counterpoint promotional pricing, which would would be sendt to your website. In other words, how the price rings up at the register is how customers would see it on your website. Furthermore, you can create a Counterpoint customer named WEB and create your pricing rules for customer WEB only.
The other thing you should know about the Pricing Rules method, price updates are done after midnight every day. Price Rules you create during the day are not immediately transmitted. Unless there is another reason to transmit an item's data, such as Inventory or other changes in an item, which would then include any changes made to the price rules. Otherwise, every day around midnight, all prices are synchronized.
Finally, Price Rules do not support Mix or Match or Buy 1 Get 1 or quantity discounts.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us with a support request.