Communication is an important part of any Modern Retail project, which is why there's ample opportunity to get in touch with us during the onboarding process for your project. In this article we'll talk about how the messaging system works in the onboarding center.
You can find your messages on the "Tasks" page in the onboarding center. Each individual task has a place to read, send, and respond to messages. We recommend checking the tabs for both your ecommerce platform and your POS system frequently, however you can also easily see if you have any unread messages by looking for the red bubble next to either tab.
The number inside the bubble in the messages column displays how many total messages are attached to that task. The smaller number in red attached to that bubble shows how many unread messages are attached to that task. Clicking on the chat bubble for a task will open up the messages attached to that task.
Messages are labelled with who left that message. You can also leave a message from this screen by typing your message in the textbox and hitting Send.
The Add Recipients button will allow you to determine which of your employees you want to receive a notification when your message is sent. The Browse button underneath Upload Files allows you to attach files to your message.
Receiving Messages
Whenever your Modern Retail project manager (or any other Modern Retail employee) leaves a message for you, you'll receive an email stating which task the message was left on & directing you to your onboarding center. Be sure to keep an eye out for these emails so you can stay up to date with how your project is proceeding.