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Creating Shopify eGift Cards


Once you've enabled Shopify eGift cards, you'll have to actually create those eGift cards as products in your store. While this process is effectively the same as creating any other product in Shopify, there are a few rules you'll have to follow in order to make sure everything functions properly. In this article we'll discuss how to create your Shopify Plus eGift Cards.

Creating the Product

In order to offer eGift cards on your site, you'll first have to create them as a product. You can create these in Shopify, although depending on which POS system you're using, you may need to also create them in your POS system (this is necessary with Epicor Eagle, for example). 

On the product page, the following settings need created under Product Organization:

1. Product Category = Gift Cards

2. Product Type = eGift Card


Each denomination (25$, 50$, etc.) will be a product variant.  Each variant must be created with these four settings:

1. The SKU must be created as "egift_[denomination]" (example: egift_10, egift_20, etc)


2. "Charge tax on this variant" must be disabled

3. "Track quantity" must be disabled

4. "This is a physical product" must be disabled


You can add images, descriptions, etc to your product page as needed.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us with a support request in the Admin Panel.