This article explores what you can do with the support tab. The core functionalities are creating new requests for support (also known as support tickets), viewing any support requests you've already submitted, and visiting the resource center.
Creating Support Requests
In order to make a new support request, click on Create ticket. This will take you to the below page, where you'll be able to enter relevant information for your support request.
First, you should select your name from the Requester drop down. Next, include a brief summary of your ticket in the Subject field, similar to the subject for an email. Finally, include any and all information about your problem in the Description box. The more specific you can be, the better! If you have any relevant screenshots of your problem, you can include them with the Choose Files button. Additionally, you can check off other people associated with your site to be CCed on the ticket.
Once you're done filling all this out, hit Save to create the ticket.
Viewing Support Requests
The Tickets link shows you all your past and present support requests. By default, only open tickets will show, but you can look at past support requests by checking the Closed box.
The tickets tab displays the following information for each ticket:
- ID
- Name
- Subject
- Created Date
- Last Updated Date
- Status
It also provides a link to view each request in greater detail.
Lastly, you can use the search fields to find a specific support ticket.
We would recommend you click on the Requests link and make a bookmark of the link as it will help you keep track of your requests and easily check for updates and make responses.
The Resource Center Link sends you to the Resource Center, our support wiki where you can find a wealth of articles that you can search through to find answers to your general questions.