Help & Resource Center

Products Page


The Products tab is where you can see all your products from the Admin Panel. You can either use the Search function to find a specific product, or the List function to see a list of all your products. This article will explore both features.


The Search page is the first thing listed under the Products tab in the Admin Panel. 


The Search page will let you search for any product in your system by its NameIntegration ID, or ALU.


Enter the relevant information in the respective search field, and then hit Search to pull up results. Any results from your search will show up at the bottom of your screen, like so:



The List page will show you a list of all your products in the Admin Panel, along with additional information regarding each item. productlist.png

Similar to how other lists in the Admin Panel function, you can use the fields at the top of each column to sort or search for products. 

Clicking on the Integration ID for a given product (located inbetween the ALU and Name field, in orange text) will bring up a window with more details about that product.


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to submit a support request.