Help & Resource Center

Creating Categories

To create a new category for your website, follow these steps:

  • Log into Magento > Products > Categories
  • Highlight the top level category that your new category to be listed under.
  • Click "Add Subcategory" above the category listing.


  • Fill in the mandatory or required fields.  (They are marked with a red asterisk.)
  • Be sure your new category is enabled!


  • SAVE!

CONTENT: Categories may have content uploaded to them, such as brand logos as well as text specific to the brand or category.  That work is done in the Content section.

DISPLAY:  Your site may have additional specific requirements or recommendations about settings in the Display Settings tab.  Please ask your Project Manager for directions on how to handle those areas.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: This tab will have the category's meta title, description and key words in them.  The meta title may be the same as the category name and the meta description can be the same as the content if you've added any.

PRODUCTS IN CATEGORY: This area of a category is where you can see a listing of the products assigned to a given category.  Depending on your site, you can also control the product display order in this section.

DESIGN & SCHEDULE DESIGN UPDATE: These tabs are generally not used, please talk to your Project Manager before making any changes in these sections.