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Magento User Roles


Modern Retail strongly recommends using User Roles to control user access to various areas of Magento.  The steps outlined below will take you through creating a User Role.

  • Log into Magento > System > Permissions > Roles


  • Select "Add New Role" from the top right corner.


  • Name the Role.


  • In the list of Role Resources, select "Custom" or "All" from the drop down.


"ALL" will give users assigned to this role full access to all of the features and functions of Magento.

"CUSTOM" allows you to control what access users assigned to this role will have.  For example, if you have an employee that only does order fulfillment, you may create a role called "Order Fulfillment" and assign the resources that are needed to pick, pack and ship an order.

  • Select the resources your new role should have, and then "Save Role" when done.

Your new role is now ready to be used!

NOTE: Do not edit the "Administrators" Role.  This Role is a core Magento role and is used by our development team and Support staff.