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WordPress & Ecommerce Websites


I see from your website that you do a lot of WordPress development in addition to ecommerce website development.  Why do you like WordPress so much?  Can't you buy a blog extension for Magento?  I also know that both Shopify and Bigcommerce include their own blogging technologies.  Why would I ever need WordPress?



In our opinion people are making a huge mistake sticking their content inside of Magento, Shopify or Bigcommerce. Yes, both Shopify and Bigcommerce have built-in blogs but we always advise our clients not to use them. Instead, we strongly recommend sticking website content inside of WordPress. Why? Because we believe it gives the website longevity. Let me explain.

Websites have become more and more perishable over the years. This has been especially true over the last few years with the rise of these ecommerce platforms and making websites "responsive" or "mobile-friendly". People have been dumping their old technology in favor of newer technologies and platforms but have often given little consideration for their content. Even though Modern Retail is firmly rooted in ecommerce, we can’t help seeing the error customers are making by sticking their content in proprietary Content Management Systems (CMS). The time, money and energy needed to produce quality content and rank high with the search engines could be quickly lost if they needed to move from Shopify, Bigcommerce or Magento. Yes, there is a technology called 301 Redirects that allows developers to tell the search engines where content current "lives". However, this can be painstaking work which could ultimately cost the customer a lot of money when switching platforms.

Instead, Modern Retail encourages their clients to use WordPress from the get-go. For WooCommerce this is a default because WooCommerce runs "inside" of WordPress. For Shopify, Bigcommerce and Magento this means running WordPress in "parallel" with WordPress. Magento has a slight advantage here because Modern Retail can configure WordPress so content is served up as part of the domain ( For both Shopify and Bigcommerce WordPress must be run from a sub-domain (


WordPress also owns nearly half of the CMS market.  This is truly a staggering number.  However, this also means it has become a standard with countless number of people how know how to use and develop in WordPress.  You'll also find WordPress to have far more extensions and plugins than any other CMS system.  Therefore if you need people to write content for your blog or developers to tweak it to make it your own, then WordPress is certainly the most logical choice.

As you can see there's lots of reasons to use WordPress with your ecommerce website.  We believe it makes sense and prefer using WordPress over any other CMS system when building ecommerce websites for our clients.